Mission Statement
Holy Trinity National School is a Catholic primary school under the patronage of the Archbishop of Dublin, established in 2005 to serve the needs of the children and families of Sandyford parish.
We strive to cherish and challenge our pupils in a warm, safe and stimulating learning environment. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and to create a centre of excellence in which high professional standards are maintained. Our curriculum, as outlined by the Department of Education and Skills, aims to enable each child:
* To live a full life as a child and to realise his/her potential as a unique individual;
* To develop as a social being, through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society;
* To prepare for second level and further education;
* To become independent lifelong learners.
We encourage our pupils to appreciate the importance of the arts, music and sport in education as ways of knowing and understanding our world.
Tá meas mór againn ar ár n-oirdhreacht Ghaelach agus tá sé mar aidhm againn grá do Ghaeilge agus d-ár gcultúr Gaelach a chothú inár mic léinn.
We value our relationship with parents and the local community. We respect the principle of parents as first educators and seek to work in partnership to provide the best possible education for our pupils.We see our school as an integral part of the parish. In partnership with parents and the Church, we strive to nurture the Catholic faith through religious education, preparation for the Sacraments and through the ethos of the school.
Our ethos is characterised by the spirit of warmth and friendliness through which we conduct our daily business and by the respect and dignity shown for all persons. We respect and accommodate diversity and we seek to provide an inclusive environment responsive to the needs of all.