All of our classes are currently full, please see our Admissions page for further information.
Junior Infants 2025/26 applications are now closed - we are operating a waiting list (refer to Admissions page).
Mountainside Montessori
Mountainside Montessori at Holy Trinity National School is an inclusive pre-school service provider. We are committed to offering equal access to all children and families, inclusive of gender, civil status, religion, age, race, disability, sexual orientation, family and membership of the travelling community. We offer an ‘open door’ policy at all times throughout the school year and encourage partnership with parents.
We operate the ECCE scheme which offers up to two years of free preschool education (3 hours per day) to children from the age of 2 years 8 months. We open from 9am-1.00pm from Monday to Friday and follow Holy Trinity’s school calendar.
If you are interested in making an application please phone 0861229365 or email martinal.long@gmail.com .