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Frequently Asked Questions

How is the school funded?
A Capitation Grant is paid to primary schools and is based on the number of pupils enrolled in the schools. Capitation grants are paid at the rate applicable at the time the grant is issued. The school also receives an ancillary services grant. From time to time, other grants are made available to schools to fund particular areas of expenditure. The school is dependent on fundraising to help cover the costs of school programmes and further the opportunities for pupils. Since our foundation, we have been fortunate to have a very supportive Parent Association who have undertaken significant fundraising each year to ensure greater opportunities in the area of IT, School library, Aistear, Sports,

When is Holy Trinity’s open day?
Each year we invite parents and pupils of newly enrolled pupils to visit the school for an orientation day at the end of May. Invitations to this Open Day are sent out in April. Parents who wish to discuss school enrolment with the principal or senior member of staff are invited to make an appointment through the school office.

How do I get a place for my child in Holy Trinity?
Parents who wish to apply for a school place in Junior Infants are asked to fill in an ‘Expression of Interest Form’. This is available on the school website and hard copies are also available from the school office. This form should be returned to the school office at the earliest opportunity. Each October all parents who have completed forms will be contacted and invited to an Enrolment Information meeting. At this meeting, parents are advised on the enrolment process. Places will be allocated in November in accordance with the criteria set out in our School Enrolment Policy. Parents of pupils who wish to apply for a place in another class should complete an Expression of Interest form. Places in other classes are allocated only if sufficient space is available in that class and if all other criteria on Enrolment Policy are met.

How big are the classes?
Classes are constituted based on the pupil/teacher ratio as provided for by the Department of Education and Skills. In Holy Trinity NS we endeavour to keep class size as low as possible.

How do I arrange a meeting with my child’s class teacher?
Meetings should be arranged through our school office. Our Secretaries Julie and Elaine can be contacted on 01-2063664.

Where do I purchase the school Uniform?


Grey Trousers
White Shirt
Red V-Neck Jumper
School Tie

Grey Pinafore/Skirt/Trousers
White Blouse
Red V-Neck Jumper/Cardigan
School Tie

Our school uniform is available to buy in department stores. The school tie is available to buy in "The School Wearhouse".

School Tracksuit:
The school tracksuit is bespoke and only available from "The School Wearhouse". They are located in Unit 3 Ballyogan Business Park, Ballyogan Road, Dublin 18. Contact Paul / Janice on (01) 2921540.

Our Parents Association have an annual Uniform Sale which offers parents a chance to buy second-hand uniform at a reasonable price. They also run a secondhand uniform shop which opens regularly during the school year.

Is there a lost property?
Yes. Every year there is a large number of items of uniform in our lost property. Please label all items of uniform. Iron on labels are available in the uniform suppliers. Also, many books are mislaid and lost each year. All books should be clearly labelled on the front cover with students name and class on the front cover of the book. Preferably, use a large white sticker on every book and copy and write the name and class in large print.

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