All of our classes are currently full, please see our Admissions page for further information.
Junior Infants 2025/26 applications are now closed - we are operating a waiting list (refer to Admissions page).
Internet Safety
Internet Safety Week 2013 Internet Safety.
The internet presents fantastic opportunities for children. However we also know that there is a real opportunity for children to be put at risk by their exposure to material and/or individuals which may be harmful. Technology is evolving rapidly. We adults find it increasingly difficult to keep up to speed. With the rapid evolution of internet technology, through internet on mobile phones and camera phones, we need to understand that access to the internet is becoming increasingly diverse and therefore increasingly difficult to supervise.
Holy Trinity NS is connected to the Schools Broadband Programme and our content is restricted through a filtering system. This ensures pupils cannot be exposed to material which is inappropriate. We also have an acceptable use policy in place which identifies the parameters of all internet use. You can access our Acceptable Use Policy below.
In February 2013, we are drawing the attention of the school community to internet safety. The campaign uses the tag-line: CONNECT WITH RESPECT.
The campaign has four elements:
Information Talk for Parents Monday February 11th
Information Talk for Pupils Tuesday February 12th –“Connect with Respect”
Poster Campaign: Design a poster for the school website
Share the information with friends and family.- School Website.
Top Tips
Install and activate an anti-virus/anti-spyware product and install or enable a firewall.
Stop and think before sharing any personal information online.
Computers should also be kept in an open area where all online activity can be seen.
Encourage your children to tell you if something or someone online makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened.
Turn on automatic updates so all your software receives the latest fixes.
Set strong passwords, especially on accounts relating to sensitive or personal data
Managing my child’s access to internet.- PDF Files
IPAD Built In Settings
iPod Touch and iPhone
iTunes Built In Settings
Time Restrictions on Eircom Router
Windows Family Safety Filtering
Xbox Settings
Helpful Websites
Microsoft Internet Safety The Office for Internet Safety in Ireland, which is an executive office of the Department of Justice.
Additional Resources
Office for Internet Safety –provides resources, explanations of technology, publications and tips
Web wise –provides parents, teachers and children with educational resources, advice and information about potential dangers on-line
Watch Your Space –provides advice on managing children’s profiles on social-networking sites
Sexting Acronyms –provides an explanation of net lingo
Urban Dictionary –provides an explanation of everyday slang used by children
o2 –offers information on child protection services available
That’s Not Cool website which offers tips and advice for both parents and children re: mobile phones & texting
Common Sense Media -provides resources, advice and information for parents and children on a range of technological issues
Mobile Minder
A Parent’s Guide to Facebook
A Parent’s Guide to Mobile Phones
Xbox 360 console parental controls
Filtering Software Reassure Me (
CyberPatrol (
Censor Net (
SafeEyes (